
What's the difference between % and mg/ml nicotine strengths?

The nicotine strength of your vape liquid may be displayed as either mg/ml (or just mg), or as a percentage. Mg/ml shows the amount of nicotine per millilitre of liquid, and a percentage figure shows the amount of nicotine as a percentage per total. These measurements are the same across e-liquids (e.g. the Edge range), disposables (e.g. the IVG 2400) and cartomizer or vape pod refills (e.g. VUSE Epod refills).

For example:

  • A 12mg e-liquid is the same as 1.2% - this would contain 12mg of nicotine per millilitre of liquid. 1.2% of the liquid is nicotine.
  • A 3mg e-liquid is the same as 0.3%
  • A 20mg e-liquid is the same as 2%

Not sure which strength to choose? Click here for advice.

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